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Solar + ESS + EV Charger

Containerized Solar + ESS + EV Charger Solution

An integration of Solar Power + Energy Storage + EV Charger, provided in a containerized system.

Petrol price keeps increasing during recent years; more and more people plan to use EV cars instead, but at the same time also worried about the increasing electricity price. EV cars charger can be integrated into the ESS system, utilizing the stored solar power energy to charge the cars. It is a cost saving and a more sustainable way of life.

Newvolt Energy provide a stand-alone system, assembled in a container, either off-grid or with power grid connection, to help communities or public infrastructure owners create an economical and sustainable power station. Such power station can even be designed with extra service functions, e.g. as a coffee bar while charging EV cars, or as a site kitchen for staff in a industrial plant and so on (tailor-made containers with 8 weeks extra lead-time).

EV chargers are designed as DC fast chargers, charging power ratings vary from 40kW to 480kW, with three-phase feeding. For example a typical EV car, with a 75kWh battery pack, can be charged from 20% to 100% within one hour by a 60kW EV charger.

Newvolt Energy only offer equipments and installations that have been approved by Clean Energy Council (CEC).

Outdoor Kiosk Solution

If only a fast EV charger (or with built-in battery storage) is required, Newvolt Energy has also a simplified outdoor kiosk solution for clients to choose. In this case, the other functionality will be removed and only focus on the EV charging, which may be useful in those scenarios such as public infrastructures, highway service stations, as well as EV carparks of commercial & industrial plants etc.

EV chargers are designed as DC fast chargers, charging power ratings vary from 40kW to 480kW, with three-phase feeding.

Newvolt Energy only offer equipments and installations that have been approved by Clean Energy Council (CEC).

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